Starbucks 2010 Doubleshot® Energy+Coffee Campaign
Agency: Tribal DDB
Roles: Concept Developer, Pitch Team Member, Senior Copywriter
Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee (E+C) wanted to reach out to recent male college graduates to help them through that oh-so-difficult transition into their new lives workin' for The Man.
We uncovered an insight about this target: they used to drink high energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull, but were worried about cracking one of those open in front of older corporate colleagues. These recent grads and new full-time employees wanted to impress their bosses by drinking what they felt were more “mature” options but they weren’t quite ready for full-on black coffee. Enter Starbucks E+C and our “Take a Break from the Daily Grind” campaign. In addition to promoting this delicious canned beverage, our "Doubleshot Times" site included faux news content, webisodes and two undercover games you could get away with playing on the clock to make that new 9-to-5 a little more tolerable.
The site content won a Gold Dallas ADDY® award, and the games won Silver at both local and district levels.